Barber Motorsports Park was as advertised, an amazing facility. The weather was hot, and the racing was interesting. With Joey Selmants on the Sports 2000 pole, in a VS2, DB2, the rest of the Sports 2 contingent had a tough time keeping up. Both of our races had formula cars mixed in, which made for interesting starts, but for the most part the racing was fast and clean. Another good weekend for the VS2na crowd.
Race one on Saturday saw 15 S2’s dominate the field of 23 cars. The top three in each class were:
1. Henry Payne V
2. Ted Guenther
3. Mark Clark ( Non member )
1. Joey Selmants ( Non Member )
2. Jason Baughman
1. Brent Knoll
2. Tom LaCosta
On Sunday 5 of the 12 starters were Sport 2’s. All five were in the S2 class
1. Ted Guenther
2, Henry Payne V
3. Henry Payne